Sunday, December 30, 2007


They basically categorize there solutions into two main areas 1) authoring and 2) publishing. The suite includes applications necessary to develop vr solutions. They also offer training and consulting services.


  1. Virtools™ 4
  2. Physics Library
  3. AI Library
  4. VR Library
  5. Multiuser Server
  6. 3D XML Virtools™ Plugin
  7. PSP™ Solutions


  1. 3D Life Player
  2. 3D Office Player
  3. 3D XE Player
  4. VR Publisher
  5. Macintosh Solutions
Virtools has some protype applications developed from their software available online.

This is a nice solution for companies that have inhouse developers. From an engineering prospective this doesn't seem like an eaiser project to justify even for R&D, because the resuting solution is effectively proprietary.

I like the graphics and the demos the have on line.

It would be nice to hear from the users???


Sébastien 'Cb' Kuntz said...

What exactly are you trying to achieve ?

VR_blogger said...

A place with information on vr solutions related to engineering work.

I think this is the next big technological step in how we design, evaluate and manufacture things.

I know you didn't ask, but my logic is simple in following the path from 2D--> 3D ---> and now VR.

What where you looking for??

Sébastien 'Cb' Kuntz said...

nice =)
I work for Virtools and I also have a VR blog :

I'll be reading yours!!